Anahata Chakra: Its Origin and Development

Aug 13th, 2017

Human mind is one of the best creations in Nature. No one can understand the fabric and functions of the mind. If we study it in detail, we could get confused as it is such a complicated matter. In India, over the years, thousands of experiments have been undertaken to castelo inflavel research the mind and its functions. In fact, sages have spent their lives in understanding and elevating the mind to higher levels.

Our minds behave differently from the present moment to the next; it never stays the same. It is constantly shifting, like a pendulum swinging. It could be in the past, remembering the glory; or it could speculate the future, craving for the happiness we desire. This seems to be the nature of the mind – it would not stay in any moment, not even the moment we are now. For instance, we cannot be happy at a given point in time. If we observe our mind carefully, we would note that although we might not be happy in this present moment, we feel happy the next. The mind continues to swing forwards and backwards. To be happy now is the key of happiness.

Yoga helps the humanity here. Yoga is a tool which makes the human beings focus on the present moment. It brings the ever-moving mind back from past and future. It brings awareness back which is lost in the clutches of past. Experience real happiness now is what Yoga reckons from time immemorial. It has a scientific way of doing so. Tantra, an age-old technique originated from the yogic tradition achieves the desired goal. The concept of Tantra was formulated to make the mind to stay at present. It was very much successful in getting the attention of the people by its cryptic techniques accomplishing the desired goals. There are few gods and goddesses on which Upasana (worshipping in a scientific way) are done. Rakini is one of them and is believed to be residing in the heart. She is described as the goddess sitting on a lotus of twelve petals in the heart. This entire region is named by Anahata in the Tantric tradition.

The word, Anahata, is a buzzing word in Spiritual Sciences. Etymological meaning of Anahata is traced as imperishable. Ahata is the one which is perishable and na-hata; anahata, not destroyable. As it is known to all of us, Anahata is also a name of a chakra, source of subtle energy as Yogic treatises declare. Bhaskara Raya Makhhi, a well-known commentator on Lalita sahasranaama says “Lalita the goddess for all yogic ventures resides in the Anahata Chakra” (anahataabjanilaya).

It becomes a half-baked concept if Anahata is not related to Atman. Every treatise talking about self-realisation tries to mark up the characteristics of the soul. Atman is tobogã inflavel considered as Anahata, ever-imperishable. Every created object in the world decays and perishes in time. It is a universal rule of the nature. Atman is the only thing which is neither created nor can be destroyed. Hence Atman is named by Anahata in Spiritual Sciences.

Anahata is a world which plays a significant role in the field of sublimation of the human mind. It gets references in almost all the ancient treatises as it is used as a technical word in different contexts. One can get as many references as he wishes about Anahata in Spiritual Sciences. Let us try to be Anahatas by taking up the path of Yoga and march ahead.

Asana Journal

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