Manipuraha Chakra (The Navel Chakra)

Aug 13th, 2017

Chakras are the full potential ability of a person. It is so believed that one can reach the highest form of consciousness progressively by activating these chakras. In science, it has been proven that an average person uses a very small fraction of the brain and other areas of the brain remain dormant. Gaining mastery over the chakra system and using the focus of the mind as a tool to influence the energy flow of a chakra inflables helps a person to grow in the psychic realm exploring the hidden potential of the brain. This in turn awakens the psychic and mental bodies, making it possible for one to experience higher planes of consciousness which are normally inaccessible. The chakras mainly are seven in number. This month, we continue with the navel chakra – Manipuraha Chakra.

As we became familiar to swadhisthana chakra in the previous issue, we continue the exploration to discover the third chakra, Manipuraha Chakra.

The connection to life in the subtle oblivion of the mother is the first significance of this chakra. Let’s look at it this way: a baby, when in the process of evolution, is connnected to the mother through the navel receiving nourishment from the mother. Whatever the mother receives in the form of prana is also the source of energy for the baby. In yoga, there is an interesting term, ahar, which basically means food and is also known as sustenance. Every form of intake, such as audio, visual, breath, is ahar responsible for the sustenance of the baby. The digestive warmth of the mother is the prime source of energy for the baby. Similarly, life on earth in the same way is flourished by the energy provided by the sun. The navel chakra is also known as the jewel, being shining brightly as the sun providing radiance to mother earth in the form of nature.

In the human framework, one of the most essential systems is the digestive system – a system responsible for the ingestion of food. Having a healthy digestive system is considered to lead to a healthy body and mind. Thus, the manipur chakra has a direct influence on the digestive system radiating and distributing pranic energy pula pula inflavel to us to maintain sustained health and vitality. At this level of chakra awareness, the aspirant is highly active and extroverted, involving in external activities and enjoying life more fully.

Element: Fire
Colour of the Element: Red, orange like the fire in the sun
Aspect: Ambition, ego, active
Seed sound: Rum
Predominant sense: Sight
Sense Organ: Eeyes
Prana: Saman
Number of Petals: Ten
Colour of Petals: Bright yellow

Traditional Symbology
The manipur chakra is symbolised by a ten petalled lotus, bright yellow in colour. In the centre of the petals is an inverted red triangle symbolising fire shining like a rising sun. In the triangle is a swastika in the shape of a ”T” on each of its three sides. In the lower apex is the ram, the vehicle for manipur symbolising dynamism and endurance. Seated on the ram is the seed mantra rum.





1. Lie flat on the stomach with hands by the sides of the body, palms facing downwards.
2. Bend the knees and bring the heels closer to the buttocks.
3. Hold the ankles with the hands.
4. Place the chin on the floor. This is the starting position.
5. Activate the muscles of the legs. Push the heels away from the body and arch the back lifting the thighs, chest and head together, keeping the arms straight.
6. In the final position, lift the head upwards and allow the body to rest on the abdomen.

Breath Retention and Chakra Location

Breathe in while holding the ankles and raise the body to the final position. Holding the breath, practise inner breath retention in the final position. Close the eyes gently and take the awareness to the navel.

Fix the attention two inches behind the navel in the abdominal area at the seat of manipuraha chakra.

Asana Journal

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